Xbox 360 Halo 3

Beta de Halo 3 em TODAS as cópias de Crackdown

E agora? Ainda há por aí alguém desinteressado no Crackdown? Ontem, um representante da Microsoft confirmou ao IGN que todas as cópias de Crackdown incluiriam um convite para o beta de Halo 3. Quer comprem o jogo no seu lançamento (23 de Fevereiro), quer comprem um mês depois, continuarão a ter acesso ao beta.
Afinal, o acesso ao beta de Halo 3 não é assim tão limitado como parecia...
É um bocado fatela para o próprio jogo. Parece que não tem pernas para andar.

Parece aquelas bandas da treta que vão abrir concertos. Estão para lá a tocar e o ppl toda a olhar pro lado.
Para quem ainda não sabe a Rule of 3 está na fase final e já se podem inscrever. Os primeiros 13.333 a inscreverem-se terão a oportunidade de ter a versão Beta de Halo 3. Eu sei que é so para a América, mas mesmo assim inscrevi-me, penso que não faz nenhum mal, ainda por cima com a forma como a Microsoft ignorou o resto do mundo >(

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The Halo 3 Beta's in May! The Halo 3 Beta's in May!

The Beta itself consists of three maps - Valhalla, High Ground and Snowbound - graphically improved since our first MP screenshots - and all three will be playable in Matchmaking only (that is after all, what we're Beta testing here). All three maps are suitable for a wide variety of gameplay types, and you will have the chance to try all manner of game types, familiar and new.

There are a number of new features you'll get to test out - including a new grenade type, a completely different class of weapon and some of the enhanced online functionality we plan to bring to the game - but it should be noted, a lot of secret features are hidden in this Beta. We're keeping a lot of our powder dry for Fall. In May, when your firing the Spiker, sniping vehicles with the Spartan Laser and sticking fools with the Brute Spike grenade, remember that it's just a peek-a-boo fraction of what's to come. And do me a special personal favor - walk down to the beach, the river or the lake in High Ground and Valhalla, and take a look at the water.

There will also be new guns, vehicles and gameplay features to try - including the mysterious "X-Button" functionality. But you don't have to wait to find out what that is, since you can now view part of its functionality in our latest Vidoc, "Is Quisnam Protero Damno!" a long look at the making of Halo 3's Multiplayer game. Here you'll meet the Multiplayer team and watch a level get built from concept to completion. You'll see the care and attention that goes into every aspect, and yes, you'll see a level or two that nobody has ever seen before.

There are a lot of questions raised in this Vidoc, and we'll be answering them in the next couple of weeks, so keep checking back for more updates. You're probably not even reading this huh? You're watching the Vidoc. I give up.

NOTE: All of the game footage in this doc was taken during the Alpha stage and isn't even representative of what you'll see in the Public Beta, let alone the final game. You will see frame rate skips, unfinished animation and graphical features that will change come Fall. All the footage is clearly marked Alpha. You're looking at the features here folks, not the final quality bar - which we've set pretty high. Your next taste of that will be in May.​
In addition, they also released a new ~104MB video in QuickTime / WMV. Word is: "And there's a ton of stuff in the Vidoc you simply haven't seen before (including the X-Button) - and it's well worth the download. Now, there's nothing like seeing it in 720p in Dolby Digital, so remember this Vidoc is also available today on Xbox Live Marketplace, where big screen TVs can do it more justice than your PC."
Xbox 360 versão Halo 3 é desenvolvido





Aquele vídeo tá porreiro.. tipo os gráficos não parecem muito diferente do Halo 2 mas a jogabilidade parece muito boa lá vou ter que me viciar no live outra vez... aquele mapa em que temos que "invadir" aquele forte parece muito porreiro :)

A assault rifle do Halo 1 tá de volta.. para o lugar da SMG??
Quando a Beta for lançada a 16 de Maio veremos pela 1ª vez como foram melhorados os gráficos desde a Alpha... esse video é tirado da alpha:

NOTE: All of the game footage in this doc was taken during the Alpha stage and isn't even representative of what you'll see in the Public Beta, let alone the final game. You will see frame rate skips, unfinished animation and graphical features that will change come Fall. All the footage is clearly marked Alpha. You're looking at the features here folks, not the final quality bar - which we've set pretty high. Your next taste of that will be in May.
É que na 1ª hora, se nunca jogaste FPS num PAD podes ficar à nora mas, ao contrário do que muita gente vende, FPS joga-se mt bem no Pad :)

O problema é que muita gente está habituada ao comando da PS2, que realmente é uma maravilha para jogar FPS. Fiquei muito surpreendido com o comando da X360 quando a comprei, é outro nível.